here's another way..., there's always another way.

run a cron job to do the following every five minutes or so.
on a redhat box...

cd /etc/ppp
ps ax|fgrep pppd|fgrep -v fgrep>/dev/null||/etc/ppp/ppp-on
exit 0

what this does is check if the process pppd is running. if it is then it
does nothing. if it is not then it runs your ppp-on script. this is
useful for the pppd coming back up when you are not there, or the
machine reboots for some reason, the machine is up but the line drops
out, etc.

just make damn sure your scripts are correct. if not you may get a phone
bill that's rung the number every five minutes, had an error in the
script and hung up, redialed, hung up, redialed...

still when it's working, it works a treat!
sorry, havent played with dial on demand.

> Ryan McBride wrote:
> Hi,
> could anyone recomend a script for making PPP0 autodial/connect on
> boot. I have tried changing
> /etc/sysconfig/networking-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 and changing the onboot
> option to yes but for some reason it doesnt work. It dials and
> connects but you cant access the internet unless u dial with KPPP
> through xwindoz.
> What about dial on demand??
> Thanx
> Ryan

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