Gregg Jorgen Suaning wrote:

> Anyone know how the 'save to disk' function works on a laptop? This is the
> facility where the data in memory is saved to disk and the computer shuts
> off - when the computer is restarted, you pick up where you left off.

i've had it on a compaq before. check the compaq web site for the file name
that kicks off the save to disk function. basically it makes one big file that
it writes the memory to when the computer powers down. this file size can
change depending on the memory on your computer. i've only seen it running on
windows on a compaq before. i've never had experiance with linux on a laptop. i
don't know how it worked on linux!

i remember years ago another similar way of doing this. it used to map out part
of the hard disk and, to disk utilities like format, it would look like bad
areas mapped out unusable on the disk. in fact it was the swap to disk area.
anyway check the compaq web site and it will give you the file name and
possibly let you download it. again however, i've only seen it as a windows
executable. unless compaq and/or phoenix have another way of doing it. in which
case look in the bios setup when the computer boots up. on a compaq it's
usually press F10 when the little white square starts flashing in the top right
corner of the screen sometime after power on.

hope this helps

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