On Thu, 2 May 2002, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:

> I've answered this question before but I signed over my copyright to
> one Kerry Packer, so I'll write it again...
> Why do I run Debian instead of RedHat?
> apt-get
> I want to install Bugzilla.  The Bugzilla RPM has a large number of
> dependencies.  Under RedHat I have to fine and download all the
> dependent RPMs, and any dependencies they might have.  Under Debian I
> type "apt-get install bugzilla" and it just happens.

Other people have mentioned this ad nausuem, so I won't rant about it.

All I'm going to say is:

up2date bugzilla

admittedly, I'm not more than 40% confident that bugzilla is acutally an
RPM in redhats official little list that up2date can get for you...

Your other points are still valid though... Why the bananas do I work for
a stupid little company that insists that I use redhat everywhere?

One other point that no-one seems to have made yet: Red Hat seem to
believe more strongly than most in release early, release often - hence
RH7.0 coming out with (what I believe were) pretty major flaws -
installing a libc and a gcc that were incompatible, etc.. The main reason
I don't know this for sure is that I was scared away by all the bad press
I heard.. On the other hand, R7.1 was nice, and 7.2 is nicer..

Debian, on the other hand, seem to believe stronly that if you can't do it
right, don't bother doing it at all - the last official release of debian
was potato, and that came out while I was still at uni - almost two years
ago now - which means that its very dated - but still works. Woody has
been in the works since then, and has been in the
we'll-get-it-out-next-month,we-promise stage for at least 6 months - but
theres no chance its going to come out until they have it perfect...

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