Since others don't seem to have your problem, I don't, look at what makes you
unique. I speculate graphics card ...

Thanks for pointing me in a helpful direction. I have a NVidia GeForce
6200 Go GPU, with the proprietary nvidia drivers. My native resolution
is 1280x800. I found that when I switched to the generic VESA driver,
the problem didn't exist. VESA could only display at 1024x768, so I
switched back to the proprietary nvidia driver and set my resolution
to 1024x768, and the problem also didn't exist there. The font
displayed at 1024x768 looks like "GNOME Sans Serif 9". When I run at
1280x800, the font face or size looks unique, and I do not know how to
change this.

Again, any help would be appreciated. ^_^

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