On 21/10/14 11:17, Tom Worthington wrote:
> I bought a $300 11.6" laptop  and found Linux Mint and a $50 mSATA
> 64GB drive improved it:
> http://blog.tomw.net.au/2014/10/low-cost-linux-laptop-for-learning.html
nice write up. thanks for that. laptops and SSDs are getting so cheap now.

I recently replaced my 2.4G wifi with a 5G on my dell inspiron something
or other laptop,
and it was a major pain. Granted no ribbon cables need to be removed to
replace the HDD,
but to replace the wifi I had 5 delicate ribbon connectors to deal with. I
only broke one. oops, but a piece of cardboard and it's as good as new.

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