Bro..& Sis...
 Orang begini harus di hukum gantung....menghancurkan keharmonisan NKRI, 
Mengahncurkan Ekonomi,membuat investor hengkang,Merusak Nama Islam,membuat 
Rakyat Sengsara....

--- On Fri, 7/8/09, Dicky Kurniawan <> wrote:

From: Dicky Kurniawan <>
Subject: [sma1bks] Breaking NEWS!!!
To: "inswapala" <>, "SMA 1 Bekasi" 
<>, "SMUN 1 Bekasi #99" <>, 
"Mediacare" <>, "BDP6 TransTV" 
<>, "NaratamaTV" <>, "Scorpio 
Bekasi" <>
Date: Friday, 7 August, 2009, 2:40 PM


http://english. aljazeera. net/news/ asia-pacific/ 2009/08/20098712 620343638. 

Man held over Jakarta bombings 

Noordin Top, a Malaysian, is wanted in connection with several bomb attacks in 
Indonesia [AFP]
Noordin Mohammed Top, the man wanted in connection with the recent bombing of 
two luxury hotels in Jakarta, has been arrested, Al Jazeera has learnt.

Noordin, one of two people suspected of being involved in the blasts at the 
Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in the Indonesian capital last month, was 
reportedly taken into custody on Friday.
Nine people were killed and more than 50 others injured in the blasts on July 
"Officially the police are still denying that they have captured Noordin Top in 
central Java, but a very reliable source on the ground have told us they 
captured a man very likely to be Noordin Top," Step Vaessen, Al Jazeera's 
correspondent, reported.
Noordin was a key member of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), an al-Qaeda-linked group 
that wants to establish an Islamic state across Southeast Asia.
But his group broke away from JI after an alleged falling-out with the 
leadership over the targeting of civilians.
JI is blamed, among other attacks, for the 2002 Bali nightclub bombing that 
killed 202 people.

Noordin is thought to have been behind attacks on the Jakarta Marriott in 2003 
and the Australian embassy in 2004, and also on a series of restaurants in Bali 
in 2005 in which more than 20 people were killed.

Al Jazeera 

It's only a transition.. .

Dicky Kurniawan
News Camera Person
PT. Televisi Transformasi Indonesia (TRANS TV)
Gd. Trans TV 3rd Fl.
Jl. Kapt. Tendean Kav. 12-14A
Jakarta Selatan 12790
omongkosongku. blogspot. com
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