I have been running the demo version of sniffer for about a month or so to try it out before we buy it and have a few questions.

1. Right now all of the spam is going into a directory called spam, since I am getting about 12,000 spams a day being filtered I might as well just have it delete everything and save the disk drive, as there is no way to easily find an email that has been filtered. Is there a way to copy the email into separate directories and subdirectories for each domain/mailbox so that I can go through and look for false positives? I can even create a web site for people to look for their own if this can be done. I have gotten a few complaints about missing mail. Has anyone done this? I know that some of the other spam filters in particular hardware appliances hold the spam in a special spam box so that the clients can look through it and delete it after they find it is actual spam, or have the option of just delete everything.

I am using VOPMail 5 on 2000 Server.

2. Not sure how it works once we subscribe, are we able to set our own white/black lists into our filter or do we all get the same filter as everyone else? Is there some sort of user interface panel when we log in to get our new filters or some sort of compiler we run to add in our additional rules?



This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and (un)subscription instructions go to http://www.sortmonster.com/MessageSniffer/Help/Help.html

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