On Wednesday, March 16, 2005, 11:25:46 AM, Goran wrote:


GJ> I guess this is going against what I think should be happening. In a
GJ> RAID 5 array the write to the drives is broken into many smaller writes
GJ> along with the data protection/CRC info and then those writes are
GJ> written to different drives. It seems to me that it should be faster to
GJ> do a bunch of small writes rather than 1 big write.

GJ> What am I missing? 

Writing data to a single hard drive takes x amount of work.

Writing data to more than one drive takes x+y amount of work where y
is breaking up the data into chunks.

Writing data to a raid 5 takes x+y+z amount of work where y is
described above and z is calculating a CRC stripe which must now also
be saved to a hard drive.

So, writing to raid5 is relatively very expensive compared to writing
to a plain old hard drive, or a less complex raid (such as mirroring).

IMO, the best strategy for email servers is to use an ordinary, single
fast HD for all spool operations, and place mailboxes on a raid 1 or
raid 10.

Hope this helps,


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