On Thursday, September 1, 2005, 9:12:17 AM, Rick wrote:

RR> I'm using Sniffer  with MXGuard, and Ipswitch Imail Server.
RR> For accounts  who have auto-forwarding setup to transfer mail
RR> to a remote mail  account, I've noticed that they're transferring
RR> all mail, including  detectable spam. Is there a way to block
RR> forwarding when spam is detected? 

That's an mxGuard question. SNF makes no distinctions on where the
message is going in an IMail environment... My guess is that mxGuard
is either not scanning these messages, or that it either can't or
doesn't take action in those cases.

If I had to guess it's probably most likely that IMail doesn't give
mxGuard a chance to effect these messages, or that in a similar way
mxGuard doesn't effect them due to the "split envelope" problem.

Please let me know what you find out.



PS: Split Envelop Problem - When the SMTP envelope of a messages
indicates multiple recipients, and one of the recipients has rules
that would dispose of the message in some way there is an inherent
conflict. It goes against RFCs to deliver the message to one recipient
and not the other (though that is probably desirable and may be/become
the best practice) since that would require "splitting the envelope"
and the message into two copies with each copy following a different

In a strict interpretation of email processing rules the message
must be either delivered to all recipients on the envelope or not
delivered. In many cases the final rule turns out to be: "If anyone is
supposed to receive this message then everyone must. Once they have
received it they can discard it if they wish, but an MTA shouldn't
make that call since it has essentially 'signed up' to be responsible
for delivering the message as is."

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