Attached is what I use, feel free to contact me off-list if you've got any specific questions.

Originally taken from:

Dave Habben
Coordinator of Network Services
Sauk Valley Community College

Grant Stufft wrote:
Has anyone got an automated updating script for updating rulebases for MDaemon. I am just demoing the software now. The plugin seems to be working well. I have used the Imail script from the website that Bill Landry contributed (thanks Bill). Is there a way to automatically send the conformation email that the update worked as it was supposed to like it does in IMail? If we discontinue Imail usage and go to MDaemon will the Sniffer license transfer OK? (Only running one server with it at a time).

Here is my rule in my MDaemon\App\cfrules.dat, if you'd like a screenshot of 
the GUI version, I can provide that too

RuleName=MessageSniffer Updates
Condition01=SUBJECT|contains|AND|ecb894oj.snf Update|
Action01=run a program|"0,0,0","D:\MDaemon\MessageSniffer\RuleUpdates.bat"


cd \MDaemon\MessageSniffer

wget http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Sniffer/Updates/ecb894oj.snf -O 
if exist ecb894oj.tst goto Test 
goto Done 

snf2check.exe ecb894oj.tst myauthcode 
if errorlevel 1 goto Done 

if exist ecb894oj.old del ecb894oj.old 
ren ecb894oj.snf ecb894oj.old 
ren ecb894oj.tst ecb894oj.snf 


if exist ecb894oj.tst del ecb894oj.tst 

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