Hello Andy,

Thursday, October 9, 2008, 3:28:44 PM, you wrote:

> Hi:

>>> The design of the plugin at the moment is a binary decision-- either
> the message is spam, or not. <<

> I understand - but currently the plugin has a config option that performs a
"Resultcode >>= Threshold" test. I think it would be more appropriate to have
> a "Resultcode in (n, n, n...) " test. It doesn't affect the logic
> and doesn't add more complexity

Actually, this would add some complexity.

The vast majority of folks currently treat all nonzero SNF results the
same. ASSP 2.0 is new and the API doesn't yet provide the flexibility
to multiplex results from plugins -- Perhaps we missed it or perhaps
that will change.

At this time we will keep things as they are. Once a few people are
using the plugin and we have some feedback then we will be able to
consider upgrades.



Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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