Hi Pete,

I'm look over Declude's recommended Sniffer configuration and trying to
understand how much (if any) overlap there is between these options they
implemented and recommend:

IPREPUTATION    SNFIPREP        x               0               10      -5

SNFIPCAUTION    SNFIP           x               4               5       0
SNFIPBLACK              SNFIP           x               5               10
SNFIPTRUNCATE   SNFIP           x               6               10      0

SNFTRUNCATE             SNF             x               20              10
SNIFFER-IP-RULES        SNF             x               63              10

Looking at the Sniffer documentation IP test result codes
it seems that the SNFIP tests for "4", "5" and "6" (SNFIPCAUTION,
SNFIPBLACK, SNFIPTRUNCATE) might coincide with 40, 63 and 20.

However, Declude ALSO tests for your Rule Group Result Codes "20" and "63"
which are documented here:

1. It seems to me, as if their SNFTRUNCATE is the same as their
SNFIPTRUNCATE, and their SNIFFER-IP-RULES is the same as their SNFIPBLACK --
effectively artificially inflating (doubling) the weights for these tests?

2. How do those Caution/Black/Truncate exit codes relate to SNFIPREP.
There, any reputation > 0 (up to 1) is given an extra weight of 10. But
doesn't SNFIPREP report from the same reputation data as the SNFIP (and
possibly even group result codes 20 and 63)? In other words, are those IP
addresses that generate a reputation factor of > 0 ALSO reported as
Caution/Black or Truncate - if so, we'd now TRIPLE count that score.

Best Regards,

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