Hi Pete,

> Hello Sniffer Folks,
> We have had a bad rule event.
> The bad rules were created near 0830E, and removed by 1030E.

Regarding this event.... A while ago we talked about sniffer installations 
exchanging rule-panic info via the GUBdb sync info as that is happening every 
(few) minute(s) in stead of every few hours.
Any idea when a new version of Sniffer with that feature will be launched?

Yours sincerely,
Bonno Bloksma
senior systemadministrator


university of applied sciences for hospitality and tourism 
julianalaan 9 / 7553 ab hengelo 
t +31-74-255 06 10 / f +31-74-255 06 11 

b.blok...@tio.nl  / www.tio.nl 

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