A number of stories:

Many years ago a Boeing 727 in flight idle over the the Grampians (Victoria,
Australia) gained quite a bit of lift in wave lift. The pilot was an
experienced glider pilot.  The thing with commercial airliners is that they
are quite efficient at high speed, and in a clean configuration (no flaps)
but drop out the air when they slow down.

When I was involved in gliding, I was talking to a fellow pilot who at that
time was flying Mirage IIICs with the RAAF. He told me that a dead stick
landing in a Mirage was quite possible. Just convert the "standard" glider
approach of 800' downwind, 600' crosswind, 400' final to 15000', 10000' and

At my old gliding club (Balaklava, South Australia) there was a guy called
Bruno who regularly thermalled his Cessna 172 with the motor switched off.
We would hear this yelling from over the launching area, and look up to see
Bruno leaning out of the window of the 172 at 800'. Crazy man!

These are the true stories...now for the fokelore..

I also heard that they did dead stick landings in Starfighters as training
for flying the lifting body type aircraft  at Edwards AFB. Is this true? It
would be good to confirm of deny this bit of fokelore.

Paul Ferguson
Adelaide, South Australia
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