Rudder stalls  this is where I found the concept.  In the building instructions of the photon II there is mention of having too much deflection, and having too much deflection may 'stall the rudder'.

Look in the cg section of the instructions.

The consensus seems to be:

1.  No one has heard of a rudder stall
2.  A rudder turn requires some banking other wise you will just 'slide'
3.  Most people who use RES ships use the rudder on the right stick, not the left stick as I am doing at the present.


On 7/28/06, Jay Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am trying to figure out if my rudder turns are accurate.  I think I am experienceing rudder stalls with my photon, from either too much deflection or from holding the deflection too long.

In other word do I ever want the rudder to cause my plane to roll?

Can someone explain to me what a rudderstall is and how to prevent it?

Should all rudder turns remain flat?

Also is a roll a rudder stall of sorts?



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