Here are the top 5 from the Fall Round Up this weekend in Muncie.

      Saturday Oct 7

  1. Rich Burnoski
  2. Paul Sherman
  3. Bill Wingstedt
  4. Ron Kukral
  5.Jack Strother

     Sunday Oct 8

  1. Paul Sherman
  2. Karl Miller
  3. Pat Crosby
  4. Dave Campbell
  5. Glaco Laugo ?

Congratulations to Marc Gellart the 2006 OVSS overall winner! This guy was on fire all year with three 1st place finishes. He was tough to beat, I know from flying against him all the time. Interesting also was his weapon of choice: The Insanity. This plane has great hang time!

Congratulations also to OVSS Overall Sportsman winner Pat Crosby ! You are an expert now, as you proved Sunday by finishing 3rd place.

The weather started off cold and foggy both days but warmed up into the 70's. The sky was a hazy blue with piercing sun and no clouds all weekend. The weird thing was there was there was hardly any wind if any at times. The thermals were few and far apart both days so you could really get in trouble if you did not find some good air to work soon after launch. Another strange anomaly that occured both days was the appearance of the floating spider webs. As the air warmed up so did the amount of webs and strands in the air by the thousands! Sometimes it got so thick it was good for reading thermals and you could also see the shape created by the lift. Neat stuff. Paul Sherman flew with gusto all weekend taking his Espada to the limits of the field and working some really light air to earn him 2nd and 1st place finishes. Rich Burnoski dominated Saturday with his Espada RL for the win. It was a really challenging 2 days of flying and this always makes for a more fun and interesting contest.

It has been a another great year of flying in the OVSS contest series. The Man-On-Man format is alot of fun and it really makes it a soaring contest (as opposed to landing) contest. Thanks to all the clubs and CD's and people who hosted the events. Also a big thank you to John Diniz, Marc Gellart, Horizon and JR for their donations and time.

 Can't wait until next year! See you at the field,

  Karl Miller
  SOAR Plainfield,IL
  LSF level IV

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