I have seen this in operation in an fvk bandit and i was fairly impressed.  Lots of altitude, motor/esc /bec interference was not present, plane was flying especially fast and there was no apparnt lag.  So far so good...

I have to say that I view this is the single most important development
in RC since the advent of proportional radios....
Blah blah blah... :-)
I remember the same kind of comments when that magician showed up claiming he could turn lead into gold, but coincidentally didn't have any lead with him.
We have been thru this kind of 'slight of hand' stuff before....
Can you spell PCM, DSP, IPD, heck that was the claim when the first FM radio hit the market!
It 'could' be a great thing, so 'could' a pill that you drop into your gas tank, then just add water be a great thing (by the way no one bothered to mention that while the pill really did exist, each pill would have cost $500 each and would only fill one tank:-).
I've yet to run into a RC engineer who believes its possible to make work for our needs (work meaning all the angles, cost, fit, reliability etc)....and no I don't me railroad engineers:-)
The HUGE drawback to supporting a technology like this is the same one that happen with those other systems....they got in the way of someone actually spending time and money on something that really was a great thing, versus something that 'could' be a great thing.
Lets get excited when one fits in a Pike and works everyday. Until then let the advertisements and chat rooms rattle on.
Buy one, try one and show me. :)

And by the way, the shoot downs can be counted on one hand per year and the glitches almost as few and far between, so what's the deal? (no that is not the same as saying I or anyone else doesn't want more bullet proof stuff).
Louisville, did I mention that I won TNT RES and unlimited was mine to lose and I did :-)

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