> "- How can we make sure, or at least fairly sure, this won't happen
> again?"
> Yes, that is the question.  Last week most Americans would have bulked at
> being photographed and fingerprinted before being allowed to board an
> airplane.  Perhaps not today.  I do not believe my personal freedom would
> diminished if required to have a 'domestic' passport

I have a real aversion to the knee jerk reaction of losing more freedoms in
the name of "safety"
Benjamin Franklin said
Those people that would give away their hard earned freedoms for security
will end up with Neither!

Any jerk can have a false identification card and get on to a flight.
If they had 3 or more people, they wouldn't even have needed weapons.
Most people freeze and deny what is going on until it is too late to react.
An armed guard or flight crew (with a better cabin door) is the only thing
that could have thwarted this sort of act. They will also have to have a
protocal wherein the crew and passengers are expendable rather than giving
up control of the plane.
I have heard they are already screening for knifes and even plastic cutlery.
This is utter nonsense focusing on the weapon instead of making examples of
criminals before anything escalates to this degree.
There are plenty of sharp objects that will make it through a detector.
Maybe they should pass out large knifes as you board the plane.
How far do you think a hijacker would get against an armed mob of passengers
I'm not trying to start a flame war, we are all in a bit of a rage, but more
public "control" is ALWAYS the worst solution and it never works anyway...

         Mark Mech

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