On 10/27/2011 03:27 PM, Frederick Grose wrote:
On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Peter Robinson<pbrobin...@gmail.com>wrote:

Hi All,

We're in the final stages of SoaSv6. It would be good for people to
test and see if I've missed any issues. I believe we're in pretty good
shape for this release. In fact I think its going to be one of our
better releases. We've had no major breakages due to upstream this
cycle and Fedora is locking down for the final run to release so we're
past the possibility of that (thankfully!).

To create it run the following command. Note you need to correct the
image name for the downloaded version, and also update the device name
for your relevant usb key.

sudo livecd-iso-to-disk --format --efi Fedora-SoaS-Image-Name.iso /dev/sdz

I'm interested in feedback on how it works on Intel based Mac's as the
vast majority of Mac boot issues should be resolved with this release.
We have a nice increase in the number of Activities shipping which
should make it more interesting.

I look forward to your feedback.


i386 http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=3459573
x96-64 http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=3459574

Considering the risk to flash hardware described here,
(with updated discussions in this thread from March 2011,
describing newer trends),

Is it reasonable to consider the --format install option only necessary for
Intel Macintosh systems or others requiring EFI boot, and for situations
where the flash device would be shared between such systems and other PCs
supporting factory (FAT-formatted) devices?


I have been formatting and testing using USB devices for several years here. I have only had one device fail. This is out of many hundreds of installs and formats . I use mainly lexar firefly and toshiba USB's (2-16 GB.'s. ).

My preference for USB's when using Anaconda is to use / ext4 with no swap.

So even though this may be true theoretically, In reality this seems a moot point.
Besides, If there is a failure, USB's are cheap and disposable.)

My personal experiences....

Tom Gilliard/satellit_

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