
>VB. The Compensated Price mechanism which allocates an amount for the
> purpose of reimbursing the retailer (the opposite of the retailer adding on
> VAT or GST) who has reduced his price by a given nominated percentage

Thanks, Vic. That explains somethings. It can piggy-back on the existing VAT  
system. However, the question still remains --- somewhere the tax-collection 
system has to compensate the exchequer in order to balance the books. If the 
Douglases National Credit Office rakes off the "Just Price" windfall from 
companies before the tax calculation, the exchequer loses tax, and if the 
amount is taken after tax, it amounts to double taxation. That could not be 
acceptable. There are really no free breakfasts; the taxpayers have to 
finance any government (or pseudo-government-agency) handouts no matter what 
they are termed. I just don't see it. 

You wrote further: "I am attaching a couple of excerpts via separate 
messages." I did not receive any attachments -- I think the List is set up to 
not accept attachments for fear of viruses? Could you send the attachments to 
me at my address -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ?



On Sunday 02 February 2003 03:41, you wrote:
> Message 1.
> I have interspersed my comments after each of your questions.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jessop Sutton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 10:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [SOCIAL CREDIT] effective demand
> On Saturday 01 February 2003 07:10, you wrote:
> > Vic Bridger says: Confusion is entering with the use of "falling prices".
> > The reduction of a price by the application of the Compensated Price
> > means that the price of a particular item is reduced and therefore
> > purchasing power is increased. Both the statements by Michael and Bill
> > contain the truth. It does not infer that with the application of the
> > Compensated
> Price
> > there would be a general falling of prices. However falling prices do
> > mean that the consumer can receive the benefit of improved process and it
> > also means that the effective price to the consumer is falling.
> ------------------------------------

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