On 2012-06-23 10:05:09 +0500 (+0500), Jamshaid Anwar wrote:
> sdc: sdc1
> pbx ~ # genkd
> A filesystem on /dev/sda1 is mounted. Aborting.

You probably wanted 'genkd /dev/sdc1' (and a quick Web search seems
to confirm this syntax).





For what it's worth, I've never used Asterisk nor have I ever heard
of genkd before now, so take that recommendation with a grain of
salt. I would say ask on the AstLinux mailing list and Asterisk
forums, but it looks like you already did:



It's usually good to preface questions like this with a summary of
what you've tried, who you've talked to about it so far, relevant
quotes from or links to any of those conversations if they were
public, and any other potentially important details about your


Just blindly forwarding questions from one list to the next isn't
going to get you anywhere, nor are requests for handholding you
through your first embedded computing project likely to be met with
any degree of helpfulness. As others have pointed out, the
soekris-tech mailing list is not an appropriate venue for general
Asterisk or AstLinux troubleshooting. You might try asking on the
telephony.pbx.asterisk.astlinux newsgroup, or be more patient for a
response on astlinux-users. If the individual on the Asterisk forums
can elaborate on what about your error message makes him think you
need to contact the hardware discussion lists, that might be
something good to mention when you ask here (but I seriously doubt
your issues have anything at all to do with your hardware).
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