On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 1:22 AM, Robin Kipp  wrote:
> http://wiki.soekris.info/Debian_Squeeze_On_Soekris
> So, I decided to follow the procedure outlined there, and was able to 
> successfully boot the Net5501 using PXE, and then connect to it using the 
> serial console. The Debian installation works just fine, up to the point 
> where I have to select the hard disk... Because, well, the installer 
> apparently cannot find any disks connected to the board, though both my 4GB 
> CF card and a SATA drive are connected and work well with the board. However, 
> no matter what I try, the installer keeps telling me that no disks are 
> present. I've already suspected that some controller issues could be 
> responsible for this issue, and thus booted the board with only the CF card 
> plugged in and the SATA drive being disconnected. Well, I've had no luck 
> whatsoever with this either, still no drives... The article in the Soekris 
> Wiki does not mention this issue, and I have no idea how to go about this. 
> Please, can someone here help me out?

I have a similar problem with Voyage Linux (Debian derivative).

Read this thread and the follow up postings:

-- Arun Khan
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