Hi all,
OK, I've actually resolved the installation issue now. What I did was I chose 
to try to PXE boot and install Wheezy (the new upcoming release of Debian which 
is currently still in development). So, I downloaded the netboot files for 
Debian Wheezy, modified the additional text files specifying the locations of 
all files and also the console baud rates, and then tried to boot this.
The good news is that in this way, I was able to successfully start the Debian 
installer and perform the installation without any issues - the connected CF 
card and SATA drive were recognised without any trouble, and all other 
installation steps went through just fine. However, now it's not booting up for 
some reason...
When I boot the box, I get all the BIOS stuff, and once it actually starts to 
boot up I just get this:
GRUB loading.

Welcome to GRUB!

Yep, that's it - no errors, nothing to select, just the information that GRUB 
is loading and a welcome message, and after that it just stops... Is there 
anything I can do to get some more information from GRUB and resolve this issue?
Here's how I partitioned the disks:
/dev/sda (CF card):
/dev/sda1: /boot: EXT4 partition, size of 100MB, bootable flag off (I think 
this is no longer required, right?)
/dev/sda2: Swap aria, size 200MB
/dev/sda3: / (root file system), EXT4, all the remaining capacity of the CF 
card was allocated here.

/dev/sdb: (SATA drive)
/dev/sdb1: 300GB, EXT4, mounted as /var
/dev/sdb2: 200GB, EXT4, mounted as /home.

I created the additional /boot partition because the Wiki article explained 
that this is the best option, as the BIOS might not be able to handle a large 
partition to boot from - but I'm unsure if this setup really worked or if 
something went wrong here...
Thanks for any help with this!!! :-)
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