Hello all,

Here's a set of steps that come to mind:

   - Move Sofia SIP code to an open source repo.
      - I would propose GitHub, as we have been working for it on our OSS
      and it provides nice tools for collaboration as well as integrates with
      virtually everything we might need. Some examples are Travis for
CI, Zenhub
      for PM, etc. At this point would be very important to retain history.
   - Add CI facilities.
      - I would suggest Travis CI that is free for OSS projects. It works
      pretty well for Linux projects, and also provides iOS images if we are
      interested in cross compilation. I know we do as we use Sofia for iOS.
      - Run unit/integration tests as part of CI job. IIRC Sofia SIP comes
      with a set of tests, but you guys are probably more knowledgeable on this
      - We can setup CI either for each commit, or for Pull Requests
      depending on what we need.
      - Potentially store the built libraries somewhere so that they are
      available for use. AFAIK Travis CI doesn't provide that sort of
      functionality, but we can search around and see what is available.
      - Cross-compile for iOS and upload to CocoaPods for easy distribution
      to iOS. We can also consider alternatives as CocoaPods are sometimes
      difficult to maintain.

This is a rough list of things that we can build upon, so feel free to
comment as you see fit

Best regards,

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 12:51 PM, Antonis Tsakiridis <
antonis.tsakiri...@telestax.com> wrote:

> Ok cool Mike, I can try to come up with a draft of some activities to move
> us in that direction and we can collaborate on that to get things going.
> Best regards,
> Antonis
> On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 6:39 PM, Michael Jerris <m...@jerris.com> wrote:
>> Its still on my list…. but still not done.  Antonis, yeah, lets
>> coordinate and see if we can figure out what needs to be done to make it
>> happen.
>> Mike
>> On Jul 17, 2017, at 9:14 AM, Antonis Tsakiridis <
>> antonis.tsakiri...@telestax.com> wrote:
>> Ok thanks Moises for the useful feedback. I remember I had a discussion
>> with Mike on hosting Sofia source independently of FreeSwitch, but I guess
>> he didn't have time to organize this yet.
>> @Mike, are there any updates on this?
>> I think it would be invaluable to have a single place for Sofia (for
>> example GitHub) where code is buildable and potentially testable (for
>> example using Travis CI). Also with the advent of WebRTC + mobile we could
>> all help in further adoption of Sofia in iOS (using CocoaPods potentially)
>> + Android (potentially using JNI even though JAIN SIP is pretty used in
>> Android world) and make the whole thing modular so that it's more easily
>> usable in many platforms.
>> At Telestax we have already integrated Sofia with iOS and using it with
>> WebRTC for media for quite some time now, so I could definitely help in
>> this effort on my free cycles.
>> Best regards,
>> Antonis
>> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 9:47 PM, Moises Silva <moises.si...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>    - Can I somehow differentiate commits that have to do with Sofia? I
>>>>    see 'mod_sofia' in some commits. Is that it? I guess I could probably 
>>>> come
>>>>    up with a git command to only show changes inside libs/sofia-sip, but
>>>>    wondering if the Freeswich folks used a convention
>>>> The stack proper is in libs/sofia-sip/, all you need is 'git log
>>> libs/sofia-sip'
>>>>    - Can I find the last commit before Sofia was merged into
>>>>    Freeswitch project? So that I can follow history and see which changes
>>>>    where made to Sofia after the merge? Also which version of Sofia was
>>>>    Freeswitch basedon? Is it 1.12.11
>>>> <https://gitorious.org/sofia-sip/sofia-sip?p=sofia-sip:sofia-sip.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/tags/1.12.11>
>>>>    ?
>>>> No idea. Mike might know. Otherwise, you'll have to follow the git
>>> history and see if there are clues there.
>>>>    - If I were to take Sofia from within the Freeswitch project and
>>>>    copy it as an independent bundle, would autotools work in
>>>>    configuring/making/installing etc? Or have dependencies been introduced
>>>>    over time and now Sofia needs to have Freeswitch in order to work?
>>>> I'm pretty sure there are no dependencies on FreeSWITCH, so you should
>>> be able to just compile the library alone and use it.
>> --
>> Antonis Tsakiridis
>> Lead Developer, Mobile SDKs at Telestax
>> antonis.tsakiri...@telestax.com
>> www.telestax.com
> --
> Antonis Tsakiridis
> Lead Developer, Mobile SDKs at Telestax
> antonis.tsakiri...@telestax.com
> www.telestax.com

Antonis Tsakiridis
Lead Developer, Mobile SDKs at Telestax
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