--- In soft_radio@yahoogroups.com, FRANCIS CARCIA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FYI Guys I think Alberto's software does a better job decoding AM
> that Flex software.
>   I run a RA6830 in parallel with my SDR set up. A couple weeks ago
> I was on 160 AM with very poor conditions. No audio was coming out
> of the Flex software. (HPSDR interface with homebrew converter) but
> I was able to copy signals on the RA6830. I ran Alberto's software
> with a stock Dell sound card before the HPSDR hardware arrived. I
> spent many hours comparing it to the RA6830. When conditions were
> poor Alberto's software worked at least as well as the RA6830 sync
> detector and maybe slightly better. 
>   So AM and HPSDR interface would be my dream........frank


  thanks for the report. Sometimes the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)
principle pays off.

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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