The handling of groups is somewhat limited.

In fact, Geometry inputs in general are somewhat limited. there needs to be 
filters in ICE to access components of the geometry input, by individual 
objects, or clusters.
Sometimes, I just want to get the closest location of an arm, not the whole 
Or sometimes, I just want to get information on the closest points that contain 
attribute-A, not the whole lot and sift through an array, bogging the whole 
scene down,

Yes and sometimes, you just want an attribute of one of the objects in the 
group, without having to manually select it.

I think adding this should be a real priority. I run into it all the time.

On 9 May 2012, at 20:37, Sam Cuttriss <> wrote:

> Alan, i dont need to set info on the group, ill be getting the highest point 
> per geo element to inform features in a point cloud.
> Alok, merge sounds like it will be dependant on temporary geometry. but im 
> looking forward to your take on it.
> thanks again
> _sam

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