Hi Thomas,

thanks for pointing this out!

i'm painfully aware of the segmentation fault when you don't have the hostname in /etc/hosts. in my case: localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4) <- segfault localhost wireframe localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 <- soft starts, but freezes after splashscreen

also you need to have /etc/hostname (which doesn't exist by default in fedora) containing the hostname, but i've forgotten why exactly, some other error.

i agree that autodesk really should provide a _detailed_ step by step installation for a program that breaks so easily and is so fragile to set up like softimage. it feels like an extremely buggy alphaversion...like.. not tested at all. considering that you have to collect all the installation information from various places from the net (inkl. many non-audodesk sites) makes it even worse. and the fact that the installation medium is an ntfs-formatted usb-stick that _can't_ be openened on the very system that is recommended (fedora14) really is just the tip of the iceberg.

i wonder why i paid money for this?



On 05/22/2012 09:52 PM, Thomas Volkmann wrote:
There also is another issue with /etc/hosts, apart from the wrong first
line mentioned before.
I can't recall it exactly, but if it isn't setup correctly you get errors
in SI, and not being able to connect to DisplayHost (or whatever) sounds
exactly like that. Actually that one was driving me nuts for weeks, though
my error was a segmentationFault at that time. The error was that my actual
hostname didn't show up in that file...once fixed evereything worked fine.
I would post my correct configured /etc/hosts, but unfortunately I'm
sitting in front of a Windows-box right now and it seems that it is going
to be a loong evening :/
Anyway, my guess is this file. Maybe someone else can post a file for
reference. And yes, a centralized how-to with dependency-list for the
official-supported platform would be great. Not that I need it anymore, as
I probably experienced every Linux-bug since XSI6... däNg

good luck!

Christoph Muetze<c...@glarestudios.de>  hat am 22. Mai 2012 um 21:04

On 05/22/2012 07:12 PM, Sandy Sutherland wrote:
I built one workstation with Nvidia driver a while ago - otherwise we
crank out render nodes all on FC14 - and all work 100% - I will check
tomorrow if we can remember how we did the one WS, which Nvidia driver
etc... - BTW one thing I HAVE noticed is that you should update BIOS, we
had lots of problems before with nodes untill we did that!
I will see tomorrow if I can dig out which Nvidia driver I used!
Evening time here now and I am at home.
thanks a lot - greatly appreciated!


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