It's been brought to my attention that there were compatibility issues with
Softimage 2012 SAP on the most recent version of LKL.
You can now get a version compatible with SI 2012 SAP from the website

Thanks to Tristam Gieni for the heads-up!

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 2:55 PM, Leonard Koch <>wrote:

> Re-sending this because I don't think the list registered it the last
> time. If any of you get this email twice I apologize.
> " any description of the bug fixes? "
> Sure.
>    1. In some cases Strands were unable to properly access the Turbulence
>    Factor value of their parent strand, leading to a situation in which
>    strands sometimes appear out of nothing instead of coming off of another
>    strand.
>    2. In some rare cases ICE over-optimized some emissions making no
>    strands appear in certain frames.
>    3. In a rather elaborate case the emission array for the previous
>    frame was sorted differently than the current one's, leading to incorrect
>    motionblur. This is solved more robustly now.
> Really nothing that exciting except for number 1 which was sort of a pain
> in the ass.
> "when adding turbulence to a subdivided branching lightning fork. not all
> branches receive turbulence "
> Interesting, I haven't heard that before. Are you sure you just don't have
> your splitter's Turbulence Factor Mode set to relative and the Turbulence
> Factor to something really low? You know, you can only multiply 1 so many
> times by something like 0.5 until you get a number really close to zero,
> aka no turbulence effect on that strand.
> If that's not the case please send me a scene so I can hunt the issue
> causing that down.
> "Arnold is unable to render lightning lightning strands that are truncated
> by "local time animation""
> I find that really hard to believe, as I can't think of a reason that
> could possibly be causing this. It's possible that Arnold has different
> expectations for the strand attributes but I don't think that's the case,
> and MentalRay is already really picky about it's inputs for generating
> strands... Now unfortunately I don't have Arnold available to me, so if you
> continue to encounter this problem I would appreciate it if we could maybe
> sit down in skype or something like that so we can investigate.
> I'm really sorry if there are problems with Arnold, but I simply have no
> way of testing it out myself.
> Let me know Sam.
> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Sam Cuttriss <> wrote:
>> oh, and thank you for your efforts.
>> this tool is very useful.

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