Yea, Looks great. Was all of this xsi Eric?

On 6/4/2012 10:04 AM, Eric Lampi wrote:

Wrong links!


On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Alex Dinnin < <>> wrote:

    Thanks for the replies.. Eric I can't open the Vimeo movies.. says
    they don't exist ??


    On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 4:45 PM, Eric Lampi <
    <>> wrote:

        I did something exactly like this several years ago. If I can
        recall correctly, I had an animated cylinder inside the roll
        as a collision object, to help move the roll along, because
        the self-collision messes it up big time without it. Also this
        was pre-ICE, which could be a better solution for something
        like this, but try it first, it might do the trick, otherwise
        I wouldn't simulate it.

        I had a similar problem recently with a project, an unfurling
        carpet of grass with a garden rolled up in it, but it needed
        to look billowy and light like a parachute or a deflated hot
        air balloon, it also had to roll up over itself since you
        could see it from the side in some shots, so it need to get
        smaller as it unrolled. Simulation just wasn't going to cut
        it, so I used a spiral curve to create the roll, lattices for
        larger sections of animation, ICE nodes for collision with the
        ground and turbulence, with a bunch of weight maps animated
        along with it. I think I might have even thrown in a wave or
        two. The setup took longer, but I could make changes in speed,
        wave size and turbulence in minutes as opposed to what it
        would have taken noodling with a simulation.

        This is the spot it was used for.


        On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 9:24 AM, Alex Dinnin <
        <>> wrote:

            Afternoon All,

             I'm trying to unfurl a banner down the side of a
            building.. something a bit like this


            it needs to be quite a bit longer than the one in the
            video.. but hopefully you get my meaning

            I've tried doing using Syflex and the basic cloth.. the
            main problem I have is rolling it up to release it..

            I've tried a rolled up grid, I've tried rotating.. but
            with out much luck

            The self collision seems to mess it up.

            I know in 2012 you can use Syflex in ICE.. but I only have

            Can anyone give me some pointers on how to do this...

            Any help would be greatly


-- Alex Dinnin

-- Freelance 3D and VFX animator

-- Alex Dinnin
    tel - 0777 575 5326 <>

Freelance 3D and VFX animator

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