Hi guys,

I’m working on a music video at the moment and the team involved is spread
all over the world.  I’m doing my comp work in Eyeon Fusion and other guys
are working in After Effects, Illustrator, etc.  I was hoping by now that
Eyeon would have Generations AM available because it seems perfect for this
project, but I spoke with them and it’s still in private beta.

Is there anything out there that runs on Windows with a Flame Desktop-like
interface?  I know Arvid has VFXDesktop, but it can’t handle MOV files and
all the footage I have is AVCHD.

It’s really hard to collaborate right now unless I decide to give up on
working in Fusion and just do everything in Adobe products.  But I really
need a node-based compositor for these shots, and AE just isn’t going to do

Is there anything else out there that might work?  Hiero is Mac only, so
that’s out.  Scratch maybe?



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