Yep that is what we are doing - using RR and the farm - we are passing .sh 
files with scene, model to cache etc.. and xsibatch does the stuff for us.

You could as you say build a batch file to do the same thing - one scene/or 
cache job at a time in sequence - then run it - no GUI needed.

Is that what you meant?


Sandy Sutherland
Technical Supervisor

[] on behalf of Raffaele Fragapane 
Sent: 23 August 2012 10:04
Subject: Re: Checking if simulation is done for current frame | beginner 
scripting question

You used to be able to pass the batch client a script to run and a scene if I 
remember correctly.
Put together a two lines script that runs the sim and saves in place, and then 
run a shell script, a cron job, or whatever you use for running jobs that 
iterates a set of scenes in batch.

Using a graphic client to open, simulate and save a number of potentially heavy 
scenes in sequence is not as ideal as having one instance per scene with no GUI 

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 5:38 PM, Sandy Sutherland 
OK Raff - you trying to confuse EVERYONE now - LOL :^)


Sandy Sutherland
Technical Supervisor<>

 on behalf of Raffaele Fragapane 
Sent: 23 August 2012 08:11

Subject: Re: Checking if simulation is done for current frame | beginner 
scripting question

Why not just batch the command to simulate stuff and then save in place on all 
scenes? Hopefully this isn't being done in a GUI client :)

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