I know it sounds crazy, but I wouldn't doubt it. I still think ADs plan was
to shift most animators away from 3ds max when they came out with 3ds max

push arch viz to a specialized app, port ice to Maya and now all of a
sudden you have 1 major 3d app to support instead of 3.

From: Daniel H
Sent: 03-Sep-12 17:19
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Rumors about 3ds Max and MotionBuilder

Rumors are a-fly'in around Twitter and the Web about the possible fate of
3ds Max and MotionBuilder. I can't imagine Autodesk ever decommissioning
3ds Max since it has such a high user base. With all of the recent Autodesk
upheaval I'm a bit concerend about where Softimage will end up, although it
seems SI can't be killed and has survived worse. I guess we will see how
all of these rumors pan out. ***Long live Softimage!***




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