Hi Daniel

Thank you for the link. However I don't see how to use that in my case. I
mean only using the Softimage to MR translator and available SDK tools.

I you are interrested in a global parameter shader solution, the thing I
made using a CustomProperty works well, I don't know if it the simplest but
well... I can share it if you want.

many thanks

2012/9/25 Daniel Brassard <dbrassar...@gmail.com>

> I was thinking a shader parameter assignment but I don't know if that
> would work in your case.
> http://docs.autodesk.com/MENTALRAY/2013/ENU/mental-ray-help/files/manual/node113.html#paramassign
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Rémi Arquier <arqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There is several instances of the lightmap shader. Some parameters values
>> of the shader need to be different "per shader instance", and others, like
>> the path of a directory where to put the all lightmaps maps, need to be the
>> same for each shader instances.
>> For the moment, I put a single UserDataBlob nested in a single null
>> X3dObject in the Softimage scene, and in the the shader's code, I recurse
>> down the scene db over all miInstance until the UserDataBlob with correct
>> ID is found. If you have a simpler solution ... would be good.
>> 2012/9/25 Daniel Brassard <dbrassar...@gmail.com>
>>> Instances in MR inherit from the main shader declaration/definition
>>> itself. Is the custom lightmap shader only used once in the Softimage scene
>>> and all instance inherit from the lightmap or is each instance of the
>>> lightmap has it's own UserDataBlob?
>>> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 9:51 AM, Rémi Arquier <arqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Daniel, Yes it looks like it is by design. But note that the Scene
>>>> Root derive from a X3DObject.
>>>> I think the UserDataBlob is exported for scene elements which generate
>>>> leaf instances only.
>>>> I just need to export global data for a custom lightmap shader, all
>>>> shader instances need that same data, and I don't realy know where to put
>>>> it on Softimage side. Nothing very exciting.
>>>> As you seem aware of thoses things, how do you do when you need a
>>>> global parameter for a given shader, regarding the spdl parameters ? By
>>>> "global", I mean that all shader instances would share the same parameter'
>>>> value, and if I would change the value using one of the spdl interface of
>>>> one shader instance, the others values of the other parameter instances
>>>> would change also. You see what I mean ?
>>>> Rémi
>>>> 2012/9/25 Daniel Brassard <dbrassar...@gmail.com>
>>>>> I think it is by design unfortunately, Rémi,
>>>>> This feature is only available when the UserDataBlob is nested
>>>>>> directly under a 
>>>>>> Camera<http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2013/en_us/sdkguide/si_om/Camera.html>
>>>>>> , 
>>>>>> Light<http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2013/en_us/sdkguide/si_om/Light.html>
>>>>>> or 
>>>>>> X3DObject<http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2013/en_us/sdkguide/si_om/X3DObject.html>
>>>>>> .
>>>>> What I wish would be an ICE UserDataBlob node that we could feed
>>>>> anything we want to it!
>>>>> It look like you are thinking outside the box to have a need for
>>>>> userdatablob on scene root! I'm curious!
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 5:19 AM, Rémi Arquier <arqu...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi list
>>>>>> I don't know if it is a bug or not, but when I put a renderable
>>>>>> UserDatablob on the Scene Root, I cannot get it back in my Mental Ray
>>>>>> shaders. I looked into the miArchive and I don't see it (I see it when it
>>>>>> is attached to an other X3DObject like object/cam/light, but not when
>>>>>> attached on the scene root).
>>>>>> Is it normal ? I find it sad since it would be a good place for
>>>>>> placing global data for shaders.
>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>> Rémi Arquier

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