I don't think there is something in Soft to do it for you, but you can certainly script it. I've done it for an Earth asset with 32 textures 21k on a poly sphere with a standard spherical projection.
It wasn't very hard.

On 11/23/2012 6:08 PM, Ponthieux, Joey wrote:

I want to create a large terrain texture comprised of several hundred adjacent orthographic geotiff image files. Each file is a high res image. The grid will be about 30 images by 30 images, 900 images total. In whole they make up a very large texture that would otherwise not be efficient as a single image if composited into one large file. I want to apply them all to a single nurbs grid, as opposed to multiple surface grids one texture per surface. Is there currently a texture projection that will easily handle this and predefine x positions by x positions that the textures can be applied to or does this require a complex manual setup. So what I want would be similar to the texture grid but where each cell in the grid receives a different texture file. My guess is that this does not exist natively, can't find anything in 2010sp1 to do it. Will have 2013 up and running soon. Is there an addon that someone has created to accomplish this? Is this possible in ICE now?

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