All this doom and gloom makes me think of ditching this and taking up
farming. Let's find some hope here people. ;-)

On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Graham Bell <>wrote:

> +1
> To follow Stevens comments below, we also know that Suites are very much a
> focus for Autodesk. Suites aren't for everyone, granted, but Softimage is
> an important benefit for Suites. So we are trying to do more and we are
> pushing Softimage, however whenever these types of rumours pop up, it
> actually makes my life (and others like me in Autodesk) even harder,
> because when we try and push Softimage, many people don't see the software,
> they just see the rumour. I end up having to spend much of the time trying
> to dispel any rumours, and this actually distracts people from seeing the
> real benefits of Softimage. And I'd much rather spend the time on the
> benefits.
> Whilst I have nothing against people posting rumours, and I don't think
> banning is the answer, I'd like people to maybe think a little first before
> posting. Autodesk don't tend to give away much in public, so if people do
> have doubts, then try contacting use privately.
> G
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Steven Caron
> Sent: 19 December 2012 22:12
> To:
> Subject: Re: Rumors
> ya, lets not overreact...
> in this case it isn't a rumor, we know autodesk bought both softimage and
> naiad... we know they re-tasked our developers... we know maya fears the
> houdini fx dominance... so of course they are going to make new fx tools in
> maya. and besides, node graphs and multi-threading aren't unique to ICE and
> they have been around for quite some time, so lets let this thing go.
> s
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Gene Crucean <
><>> wrote:
> Slow down everyone.
> Tim has worked for me before and he's a solid Soft dude. Nothing but
> respect for him. I know he loves Soft just as much as we all do and
> honestly... his post was probably posted purely out of his frustration of
> how AD is handling Soft. I say... cut the dude some slack and understand
> that he's probably just bummed.
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Eric Thivierge <
> <>> wrote:
> What bothers me is that this list is becoming less and less of a
> professional environment and just a place to start stirring up fear and
> tossing around speculation and rumors. I usually leave that for the folks
> in the forums usually.
> Also to add, Tim Marinov, like others have said, you've already switched
> to those other apps. It seems like you're just coming back to stir things
> up and hope others follow you into the path you've taken. Not sure if it's
> because you're lonely over there or what but if you don't use Softimage any
> longer why even come to post on this list?
> --------------------------------------------
> Eric Thivierge
> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 7:55 AM, Graham Bell <
> <>> wrote:
> I agree.
> 'Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and
> remove all doubt.'
> --
> Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
> Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
> ** Freelance for hire **
> ~~ Please use my website's contact form on<
>> for any personal emails. Thanks. I may not
> get them at this address. ~~

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