Bummer. Thanks!

On 1/12/2013 11:07 AM, Stephen Blair wrote:
afaik, you can't do that.
There's no menu anchor for that popup. I bet that that popup is implemented by the FrameBufferWidget itself.

maybe the FrameBufferWidget supports GridWidget.IsRowSelected, that's all I can think of.

On 12/01/2013 11:18 AM, Tim Crowson wrote:
I asked this a few weeks ago but never got a response. Still wondering how to do this...

I need to do two things:
1) get the menu anchor point for the context menu that appears when right-clicking on a framebuffer/channel in the pass properties PPG. (the default menu has two options: 'Browse' and 'Run Flipbook.')
2) get a handle on the channel I right-clicked on.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on this?


*Tim Crowson
*/Lead CG Artist/

*Magnetic Dreams Animation Studio, Inc.
*2525 Lebanon Pike, Building C. Nashville, TN 37214
*Ph*  615.885.6801 | *Fax*  615.889.4768 | www.magneticdreams.com


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