Brill Rob That's sorted it.


On 13 January 2013 12:45, Rob Chapman <> wrote:

> and.. if you wanted to try the other way of splitting your particles into
> numerical amounts use the 'modulo' math node like below - this basically
> splits your particle amount into half
> ive used element index as input because no doubt, like myself, you never
> used to bother to save the Particle ID with the cache when you were
> starting out with ICE :)
> cheers
> Rob
> On 13 January 2013 11:58, Rob Chapman <> wrote:
>> few things Ben,
>> so you are using MR? - have you tried creating Stand-ins and instancing
>> these rather than geometry? Ive managed to get a animated crowd of 80k+ low
>> to mid res characters with stand-ins that normal instanced particles would
>> not render due to memory limitations.
>> easiest way (imo) to split the cache up would be to partition it. get
>> some very big cubes to divide up the scene space and use If> the 'point in
>> volume' node to detect if the particle is inside the cube or not > delete.
>> cheers
>> Rob
>> On 13 January 2013 11:44, Ben Beckett <> wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> I was wondering I have a particle sim that is cached I need to instance
>>> the cache with a bug there quite a few and when it goes to render it said
>>> "no way!" Computer said NO.
>>> So it bring me to ask a question does any one know how  I could split
>>> the cache or even split it in to 5 scenes, am thinking.
>>> What am thinking is that I need is to delete every second particle lets
>>> say with a condition.
>>> I have tried with no luck maybe this does not work with a cache am
>>> thinking!
>>> I would love to to keep every other like every 5th or 9th for example.
>>> Is there any one that could point me in the right direction please.
>>> Thanks
>>> Ben
>>> Happy new year everyone!

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