I guess implementing an ASCII file format writer/reader is hard to do as an 
afterthought and difficult to justify for what is probably less than 1% of the 
user base that would actually require and benefit from it.

There has once been a push towards a 3dsMax ASCII file format by Borislav 
"Bobo" Petrov years ago, but it was just too time consuming to maintain and 
develop up to a level where it could actually be used reliably and professionally, and 
for simple things you could just use the FBX ascii file format.

For something like that I imagine you'd first need 100% script access to every 
minute detail of the scene. That is: Not only being able to read certain 
information, but also to create and connect objects in a non-linear fashion, 
however there are still places in Softimage where this is not possible (e.g. 
you cannot create an op and then connect it to some objects later, or change 
connections of an operator once they have been established, at least for the 
bigger part). That means that scene creation through scripting (assuming an 
ASCII file format for XSI would essentially be some sort of script, similar to 
a Maya ASCII file) would need to be linear, you'd have to be careful what you 
create at which point in time/the file, and that again makes it harder compared 
to just writing all the nodes out to the file and then start making connections 
to/from their parameters.

Just some thoughts, somebody correct me if I'm wrong.


Hello Everyone,

Something that is bothering me, and has been bothering me for a long while,
is the constant use of binary files in Softimage.

1.) emdl
Would it be so wrong to have this as a ascii format? So that you can parse
through the model and change data which might be needed?

2.) preset files
SERIOUSLY... if I save out a single shader I should be able to edit the
contents in the file.

3.) scn files
Would be most helpful if this also could have THE OPTION of being ascii.

4.) dsprojectinfo
I would love if this could be a ascii file so that it can be edited or
created without Softimage

Is there a way around this somehow? I've been lurking around to see if
there was someone that had posted some ninja skills regarding this.

anyhow, insights and thoughts are welcomed

best regards
stefan andersson

Stefan Kubicek                   Co-founder
          keyvis digital imagery
         Wehrgasse 9 - GrĂ¼ner Hof
           1050 Vienna  Austria
        Phone:    +43/699/12614231
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