Ended up going the ICE way instead, but I shouldn't have to build an
icetree just to find out what's the closest null to another null in an
efficient way.

What I was doing was build a linear curve of every position of a set of
nulls in the order of said set, and then use the PointLocator API to query
the closest position from a particular position in global space. It works
really well for finding positions super quick, but I can't seem to directly
get a list of the vertices of said positions/locators.

The ICE way is to make a cloud of points based off the kine.global.pos of
the group, plus storing their name with "Reference to String" to a custom
attribute, say self.oName, On Emit. Then do the same with the second set on
another cloud. On that one, do a Get Closest Location feeding it a Get
Point Position and from the resulting location, grab its "oName" and store
it as an attribute on the second cloud like self.neighborName.

This all was just to rename the prefix of a set of nulls based on the
prefix of their closest null from a different set.

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Alan Fregtman <alan.fregt...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey guys,
> With the XSI SDK PointLocator API, I see an EvaluatePositions() but not
> EvaluateVertices().
> Do I really have to go and find them by value from a list of positions?? :/
> Any help appreciated.
> Cheers,
>    -- Alan

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