Im interested
On Mar 28, 2013 1:29 PM, "Nic Groot Bluemink" <>

> 2-4 and 6,7. As Ben mentioned, too much of my time gets wasted on those
> damn UIs every time.
> Nic
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Cristobal Infante <>wrote:
>> 2,3,4
>> I would be interested. Are you really going "BACK TO SCHOOL"!?
>> On Thursday, 28 March 2013, Oscar Juarez wrote:
>>> Yes!
>>> 2-4 seem like a great idea.
>>> On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 10:00 AM, Ben Davis <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Great idea!
>>> I also like 2, 3 and 4.
>>> 6 and 7 would be really useful since you can lose a lot of time trying
>>> to make tools usable by others.
>>> Are you thinking of the GoToMeeting plan that allows you to manage the
>>> class and everything, or the simpler webinar mode? What time and in what
>>> timezone are you thinking of having these classes?
>>> --
>>> Benjamin Clifford Davis
>>> office:   +33 9 50 04 76 15
>>> mobile: +33 6 88 48 54 50
>>> 6 bis avenue des Iles
>>> 74000 Annecy
>>> On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 6:12 AM, Bradley Gabe <>wrote:
>>> Also, anyone who I might have mentored or who has worked with me in the
>>> past, please by all means feel free to add more items to the list which you
>>> think would be valuable.
>>> 2013/3/28 Bradley Gabe <>
>>> Hi Softimage Users!
>>> I have only a few more months before I'm off to grad school full time
>>> and thought it might be mutually beneficial for our community to come up
>>> with some sort of Softimage Jedi training regimen in order to impart some
>>> wisdom, while at the same time helping me stash away some funds to pay for
>>> cappuccinos when I have to pull all-nighters  for my exams.
>>> Something I was thinking about, (in an effort not to overlap any of
>>> Raffaele's excellent training work) rather than creating a bunch of videos,
>>> was to set up a class using GoToMeeting where we can distribute scene data
>>> and solve problems interactively. This would allow real time questions and
>>> feedback, but more importantly,  provide insight into the problem solving
>>> process, and how decisions are made along the way, which is something the
>>> video course format doesn't provide. For all students, I would provide an
>>> extensive package of custom tools to add to the problem solving arsenal.
>>> What I'm curious to learn is, what areas of technical animation in
>>> Softimage would users be most interested in learning? For example:
>>>    - Basic rigging (fundamentals)
>>>    - Advanced rigging (secondary and tertiary animation control)
>>>    - Designing custom deformers using ICE (facial animation, volume
>>>    retention, etc)
>>>    - Adding secondary effects under short deadline (flesh jiggle,
>>>    springs, muscle effects)
>>>    - Using scripting for problem solving
>>>    - Developing custom tools using the Softimage UI
>>>    - Developing custom tools using PySide
> --
> Technical Pretty Picture Making Person
> Kettle <>

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