I did tests with the fgshooter a few weeks ago on the classroom scene. And
yes, its implemention is awful.  I used the fgshooter addon too, its way
easier then.
Btw. I'm also still  on the classroom scene and added light and camera
animation, but I had no time to finish it yet. My goal is to make it as
realistic as possible and bring mentalray onto its knees.:)  Of course it
has to be flickerfree, what is very hard when the sun is animated and it
goes to the horizon resulting in only a few very bright spots in the scene
that has to lit the whole room evenly.

-----Original Message-----
From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com
[mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Tim Leydecker
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 15:36
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Finalgathering made less frustrating: mx_fgshooter

Hi guys,

there´s a lot to be desired about mental ray´s implementation and user
friendliness. I don´t even want to start about having at least an in depth
documentation including practical examples.

Nevertheless, there´s yet another node that may come in handy but has
probably slipped your radar:


It is supposed to be used to add finalgather calculations from additional
cameras to your current frame´s fgmap or your *.fgmap in general.

I can´t express how frustrated I am about the implementation in Softimage.

If you ever had hoped to having to figure out how to enter 4x4 matrixes and
get the thing working yourself, brace for a lot of frustration.

Or use this implementation. Thank you Denis Belyatsky!


Hats off.

If you push his implementation hard, you´ll notice the camera_shooter_cams
will always have to point to the world origin to give realiable values for
their resulting 4x4 matrixes entered into the render cam´s mip_fgshooter
item list.

Sofar, I haven´t been able to verify if that is a limitation of using their
[cameraname].kineGlobal as the source for the 4x4 matrix or if that is due
to the way the mip_fgshooter node interprets coordinates?

In any case, Denis plugin is a great helper in actually making flickerfree
FG available to the average user who may sure not be able to derive and
properly set a 4x4 matrix himself.

In terms of useability, I would have expected mip_fg_shooter to have a list
entry field where you pick your cameras and that´s it. Like Lightlinking for
selective light, even SRT coordinates would have been better but transform
matrixes, really?

That´s defeating the whole point of keeping it simple unless one could drag
and drop a camera into the Rendertree and at least connect it directly
there. Which you can´t...



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