I like working in the current hq viewport... 16x aa and really nice per
pixel shading / texture display... But only if I don't have to duplicate or
delete geometry.. There is a very annoying pause everytime.  Really kills
the mood... And switching passes with hq enabled is a party pooper too...
Hopefully that's been fixed in 2014
On Apr 3, 2013 9:08 PM, "Luc-Eric Rousseau" <luceri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 3:39 AM, Ahmidou Lyazidi <ahmidou....@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Also about HQV/Dx11 it's kind of having double development for the same
> > visual result.
> > Shouldn't they focus on one?
> I'd said HQV and DX11 have quite different purpose. You'd make a DX11
> viewport for game development so artists can see their assets using
> custom DX11 shaders, so you don't actually need a high level of
> sophistication in the display in the bundled shaders..  However, a
> client for a HQV is going to be a freelancer that wants stuff to just
> work out of the box and want help preview an eventually offline
> render.

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