Hi Eric Cosky, 

I would like also to remember that you can apply the Unfold3D plugin to a 
Softimage Group containing several objects, it not necessary to merge all 
objects in only one polymesh. The possibility to work with Groups allows for 
example to create UV maps of a car, without merging the wheels / the car body / 
the interior etc...  Here is the workflow in that case :
1. Select some objects
2. Ctrl + "g" for creating a group
3. Select the group just created
4. Property > Texture Projection > Unfold 
5. Modify cutting line / Modify UV coordinates by hand in the texture editor / 
Update Unfolding / Pin / Pack. In the order you want.

And the last case, it is when you have several objects having existent 
UVProperty and you want to make modifications / packing of all of it, without 
merging the objects : 
1. Select the objects
2. Ctrl + "g" for group
3. Using the explorer, select the group and select also the existing 
UVProperties (e.g. Texture_Projection Cylindrical XY, Texture _Projection 
Spherical XY )
4. Property > Texture Projection > Unfold > Pack (TAB) > Pack
5. Modify cutting line / UV coordinates by hand in texture editor / Update 
Unfolding / Pin / Pack


Last case sample script:

CreatePrim "Cylinder", "MeshSurface"
CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface"
Translate , 9.49132845941504, 0, 0, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ, , , , , , 
, , , , 0
SelectObj "cylinder,sphere", , True
ApplyShader , , , , siLetLocalMaterialsOverlap
SelectObj "cylinder", , True
SelectObj "sphere", , True
CreateShaderFromProgID "Softimage.txt2d-image-explicit.1.0", 
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material1", "Image"
SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material1.Image.out", 
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material1.Phong.diffuse", False
SelectObj "cylinder", , True
CreateShaderFromProgID "Softimage.txt2d-image-explicit.1.0", 
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material", "Image"
SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Image.out", 
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.diffuse", False
SetDisplayMode "Camera", "textured"
SwitchToolbar 1
CreateProjection "cylinder", siTxtCylindrical, siTxtDefaultSpherical, 
"Texture_Support", "Texture_Projection"
SetInstanceDataValue , "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Image.tspace_id", 
SelectObj "sphere", , True
CreateProjection "sphere", siTxtSpherical, siTxtDefaultSpherical, 
"Texture_Support", "Texture_Projection"
SetInstanceDataValue , 
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material1.Image.tspace_id", "Texture_Projection"

SelectObj "cylinder", , True
SetSelFilter "SampledPoint"
SelectGeometryComponents "cylinder.sample[57,60,61,64,80,81,84,85]"
SelectGeometryComponents "cylinder.sample[9,12,32,33,57,60,61,64,80,81,84,85]"
TranslateUVW "cylinder.sample[9,12,32,33,57,60,61,64,80,81,84,85,119,122]", 
0.317275697984523, 0.358676756756757, 0, siRelative, siUVW, False

SelectObj "sphere", , True
SetSelFilter "SampledPoint"
SelectGeometryComponents "sphere.sample[*]"
RotateUVW "sphere.sample[*]", 
"sphere.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.Texture_Projection", 0, 0, 
-89.8125, siRelative, siUVW, 1, 0.5, 0.5

SelectObj "cylinder"
ToggleSelection "sphere"
AddToSelection "Texture_Support", , True
AddToSelection "Texture_Support1", , True
CreateGroup "UnfoldGroup", Array("cylinder", "sphere")
UnfoldPackUpdate "UnfoldGroup.Unfold"

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