Both LK Lightning 1.5.1 and LKL 2.0 do this out of the box very nicely.
1.5 is free too.
You can get them both on

Hope it helps.
On Apr 23, 2013 12:29 PM, "Chris Chia" <> wrote:

> See image attached
> [cid:image001.png@01CE4050.0D2BAAD0]
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: Controlling Strand length using flow along curve?
> I am emitting particles which flow along curves, and I need a strand to
> trail after the particle, so I use Align Strand to Particle trajectory. My
> problem is that at the start of the curve, the strand, which is rather
> long, points straight down until the particle has traveled the length of
> the curve which corresponds to the trail length, after which the strand
> follows the curve nicely.
> I have tried animating the length of the strand so it grows from zero
> length, which is what I would prefer, but this leaves me with a very short
> strand trail for the whole animation.
> How can I fix the strand so it doesn't point straight down in the
> beginning, and is there a way to make the strand animate longer as the
> particle moves along the curve it flows along?
> Thanks!
> Morten Bartholdy
> Tired particle pusher

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