I'm trying to script a quick script to cache some particle clouds and meshes out and am using the xsi.CacheObjectsIntoFileDialog() command to create the caching options and then filling in the path using a series of tokens.

The problem is that I need to use the [Value] token pointing to a custom param set parameter on the object's model. The resolved path shows it is parsing it correctly however when I hit the "Cache!" button it says that the token is invalid. The following is essentially what have in the path field:

[project path]/Simulation/[model]/[object]/[Value [model].rigCache_settings.dept]/[Value [model].rigCache_settings.version]/

I knew it was dicey tossing a token inside another one but it is resolved properly like I said before, in the read only field below the path field but it's just when it goes to cache it isn't valid.

Is there another route I should be taking that will work for parameters that live on the model?


Eric Thivierge
Character TD / RnD
Hybride Technologies

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