This is probably not that hard to do, but I haven't really worked with arrays in ICE, so I'm kinda stuck here.
I have a bunch of nulls near a poly surface. This surface has a weight map painted on it. I'm trying to get the weight map's value for the closest point to each null. I've already got a Get Closest Points node for each null connected to the poly surface I'm sampling for, and I'm also getting the weight values for the weight maps. However, I don't know how to connect one to the other, so that I could say "For each point returned by the Get Closest Points node, give me the weight from this weight map, average them, and return to me the resulting value" (this part I can do... I'll just set it on an attribute on each null).
This sure looks to me pretty straightforward (in my optimistic mind). Any help is appreciated. Cheers!

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