Oh woops, not sure if this went to the list. =P I’m more a watcher to the list, 
not really a contributor, so still learning the ropes. 

Original message: 

I play around in a quiet little forum dedicated to the once alive and thriving 
trueSpace community. Like Softimage, it was a small little app ahead of it’s 
time in ideology and concept, shut down by a corporation (Microsoft 
nonetheless) - but it’s still used and I still use it and some still develop it 
5 years later (and it only was a Beta release!). 

Anyway, some members kindly compiled a list of Blender tutorial videos. 


Here you go. 


Like mentioned, along with Modo, Houdini, C4D, Maya or anything else… I am 
considering Blender. Just the ideology that you know EXACTLY where your money 
is going, that it’s a software moving forward, that it’s a product made by the 
people for the people - and that it is capable…. is quite tempting. 


I am considering using it in my studio’s pipeline (I’m small enough to do so) 
meanwhile we transition. 


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