I don't think that WAS the plan.... but things change..... Lets say I have
a pretty good record at reading the Tea leaves.... The thing is they CANT
tell us .... even if they wanted to.

There are some smart and not so smart folks up at AD.... but after trying
to add to the maya code base for all this time I am pretty sure that they
know it's busting at the seams as we do... if not more. If making a new
product lets them be able to create new competitive tech more quickly and
less expensively they would be silly not to invest in a new platform.

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 1:50 PM, Mirko Jankovic

> you really think that they are building something new when they said that
> they an;t even focus in supporting what they got so far and killing
> Softimage so that they can provide better for max and maya?
> How does completely new app that requires couple years of investment
> before gaining any profit fits AD profile???
> It doesn't. They are killing Si even if it makes any profit at all, making
> new application that wouldn't give anything back for years.. hardly AD way.

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