I highly recommend the Jason Schliefer Rigging Bundle as well as the books
The art of Rigging Volume 1 and 2 if you can find them.

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 5:22 AM, Raffaele Fragapane <
raffsxsil...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> I'm far from a Maya fanboi, in fact some of the shit I've given Maya was
> strongly worded enough to peel paint off walls, but with that said I think
> it's important to not exceed either.
> Maya has shortcomings when it comes to the user experience, no doubt about
> it, it will undoubtedly have you in tears particularly when it comes to
> deformers and skinning, BUT it's not an absolute crock of crap either, at
> least not for the animation control part of rigs.
> While a healthy dose of patience will be necessary there's good training
> material for the unintiated out there, lots of it for free as well, and
> it's not an insurmountable obstacle even if you can't write code fluently
> (or at all).
> There's a stretch of insulting Maya which is all fun and games, and a lot
> of criticism is well deserved, but there is such a thing as pushing it too
> hard, and intimidating people who, despite whether they might or might not
> like or want to do it have to look at it, isn't going to help them.
> You'll be fine Nicolas, it doesn't require you to be a programmer to deal
> with it, and it has all the tools you might need, it's just not as nicely
> and uninterruptedly flow-y like Soft. You will have to rewire your brain a
> bit here and there, and you will have to punch through some walls (and some
> monitors when you'll get to skinning :p), but it's perfectly possible to
> translate your rigging skills across in a handful of weeks if you have to.
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 12:49 AM, Nicolas Esposito <3dv...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Reading the "Maya features request from Softimage users" and based on
>> what you're saying, especially regarding rigging, I'm kinda scared...


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