ok guys,

i'm 95% done. Tomorrow Paul will have a last look. After that i will send
the invites.
For the people that missed the message before,
if you didn't add your email etc. in the list then you can do it here.

In a few days the list can only be seen by people that added their email.

Also i checked the websites of the people that added it to the list, and i
must say there is amazing work in it.
I'm really looking forward to this project.

2014-03-13 22:39 GMT+01:00 Nika Ragua <nikaragu...@gmail.com>:

> the truth behind the "DON`T WANT THE PLOT" is "CAN`T DO THE PLOT" , sad
> but true, you may or may not cover this with media, or revenge motives
> 2014-03-14 1:36 GMT+04:00 Paul <p...@bustykelp.com>:
> The best way to get an idea in, is within the existing framework. We have
>> to move forward or this whole thing will stall.
>> Doeke is setting up a teamwork site. Then we move onto fleshing it out
>> and boarding. Gathering assets and footage for the backgrounds. Animatic
>> etc.
>> On 13 Mar 2014, at 21:23, Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com> wrote:
>> Ok.guys.  Just wanted to collaborate with an idea of a short film.  I am
>> open to whatever you decide Paul.  As I wiill say you have the final word
>> as this was your idea.  What it matters to start working is that something
>> is defined and grounded.
>> If not we will keep discussing and throwing more ideas forever.
>> My suggestion is that we send Paul our ideas within a deadline.   Paul
>> you evaluate what you think will work and get back with what we will start
>> working.   The ones that do not agree with what you come, can always
>> reconsider if they still want to participate.
>> Whatever it is,  I am in.  But we need direction and leadership or we
>> will never accomplish this.
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.

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